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Doing Something Different

I have watched my mum and dad build up their farm and business since I was a child, starting small and growing slowly and carefully. Chris now manages for them and everyday its not just about managing a farm but so much more. We respect where it comes from, the work that has gone in to create this business, the hard times, the commitment and the passion they have for their farm, their animals and their product.
Recently Chris went away and for a day I offered to help out on the farm. The daunting part was not the 4.30am wake up, unlocking dairies, checking animals or even making a small mistake - it was the responsibility of it all. A 5 day crash course on "worst case scenarios" together with a list of phone numbers and a great staff compliment - there I was responsible for 24 hours for the thing I have watched my mum and dad work for for their whole lives, that was what made it hard!
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Needless to say, I was super happy to see Chris's face come back through the door as my mind raced with respect and admiration not only for what he takes on everyday but for farming and farmers. Everything these people do, the risks they take, the time they invest and the heart they give - needles to say getting back to taking pretty photos and typing is a bit of a relief :)... 
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About 3 weeks before this day Colleen and I were chatting and she had asked me if i'd like to do a 10 week Kahuna massage journey with her. I will visit each week for 10 weeks as we go through an entire healing journey, based on the principals of an ancient tribesman massage - used to heal within. This couldn't have come at a better time :). 
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2 days after my "farming day" - I visited Colleen to start my 10 week journey, we laughed about my realization of what I had taken on, what it had meant to me and how I had taken it so to heart. We give so much in life to the things or people we love, making life more challenging but also giving it so much more meaning. I put my uptight, overthinking body onto the bed and began to think "relax, relax" - it's never good when you have to try and force it! It took all of 5 minutes for my mind and body to give in. A Kahuna massage is the most relaxing, de-stressing massage I have ever had! Kahuna is not invasive and  never sore (my thighs during a sports massage, PHEW!). The principles of the ancient massage allow the body to heal from within, slowly moving all the toxins and disease out of the body on your own. I used this session to let go and take my new earned respect to heart instead of mind :). 
Important Hawaiian Principles to think about this week  
Ike - be aware
Kala - be free and without limits 
Makia - be focused and allow your energy to flow 
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watch this space as the journey continues :)...
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